Audiology & Speech Language Pathology

Talking to a friend, listening to music, Joining a discussion, Understanding an idea, Expressing a thought – communication is our most important human characteristic. Communication is essential to learning, working and enjoying family life and friendship. ”The shame of inability to express our thought through language is considered as a great malady – “WHO” hence express the urge to find solutions to these problems. The rehabilitation of speech and language disorders is anchored in the services of Speech Language Pathologist. There was a dearth trained Professional Staff in Kerala. Language Disorders also has regional priority. There is no need to stress on the importance of the knowledge of Mother Tongue in the rehabilitation of Language Disorders. When ICCONS was established in 1998 there were no Universities in Kerala conducting a course in speech language pathology.

The speech- language pathology course started in this institute in December 2001, which is affiliated to the University of Calicut, and recognized by RCI. The course started under ICCONS will emphasize its major role in the comprehensive research and management of Cognitive, Speech and Language Disorders from different perspective as ICCONS is emphasizing on a Multidisciplinary approach to these disorders well fit in with the concept of WHO’s concept of ICIDH-II / ICF. Since ICCONS’s major objective is unrevealing the many mysteries in patho physiology of these disorders and finding remedial solutions to them, the courses started by the Institute has imbibed these principles and training protocols are oriented in the same manner so that they have standards that matching at International level. The course will have its major emphasis in the neuropsychological and neuro linguistic aspects of these disorders and is aimed at stimulating the younger generation to start research on the genetic, metabolic, neuro-anantomical and neuro endocrine factors that interact or interfere with cognition, behaviour and speech language functions so that the prevention and remedial measures become within our reach.

A communication disorder occurs due to stroke, an undetected hearing loss, a stuttering problem, a head injury, a language disorder, a movement or muscle problem, or some other disorder or problem that interferes with speech, language or hearing. The professionals who help people with speech, language and hearing disorders are Speech- Language Pathologists and Audiologists.

Speech Language pathologists and Audiologists works in schools, hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centres, skilled nursing facilities, health departments, private practices, colleges, universities and research laboratories. As autonomous professionals, they accept referrals from many sources, including physicians.

They are indispensable members of the health care team for people who have strokes, head injuries, swallowing disorders and other problems, and of the educational team for students receiving special education and related services as well as those needing help with communication skills.