Electro Physiology Lab

With the aid of the UNDP program an EEG lab is functioning at ICCONS Shoranur. The Electro physiology unit is an essential component in cognitive neuroscience institutions for assessment of the patient as well as in diagnosis. As high as 40% of population can have silent epileptic discharges and many require treatment. Epilepsy itself is well known for its impact on cognitive and language development. The facility could also be utilized for “Under monitor” assessment of patients and impact of electro physiological abnormalities on cognitive functioning. It can also be used in the treatment of many functional disorders, hyperactivity syndromes and panic attacks. Continuous video EEG monitoring will also help in diagnosis of rare epileptic syndromes and direct analysis of complex behaviour problems during an attack of epilepsy. So further expansion of the unit is essential to improve the service facilities. The institution has also procured an Evoked Potential system with assistance from UNDP to from part of its electro physiology services in the early scientific identification various disorders.